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Live Once Quotes
Steve Jobs
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. – Steve Jobs
6 years ago
Mae West
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. – Mae West
6 years ago
Brenden Dilley
Your life is short. You have no clue when this ride will end. Stay present and live fearlessly. – Brenden Dilley
6 years ago
Enjoy every moment you have. Because in life, there are no rewinds, only flashbacks. Make sure it’s all worth it. – Anonymous
6 years ago
Shane Filan
You only live once, so live a good life! – Shane Filan
6 years ago
Celebrate the small things and our lives become bigger than ever. – Anonymous
6 years ago
Elbert Hubbard
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. – Elbert Hubbard
6 years ago
Oscar Wilde
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. – Oscar Wilde
6 years ago
Die with memories, not dreams. – Anonymous
6 years ago
Diane Ackerman
I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well. – Diane Ackerman
6 years ago
Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish them. – Anonymous
6 years ago
Eunice Camacho Infante
In the end, people will judge you anyway. So don’t live your life impressing others. Live your life impressing yourself. – Eunice Camacho Infante
6 years ago
Paramahansa Yogananda
Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself. – Paramahansa Yogananda
6 years ago
Og Mandino
Work as though you would live forever, and live as though you would die today. Go another mile. – Og Mandino
6 years ago
Mitch Lucker
You only live once, for a very short time. So make every second divine. – Mitch Lucker
6 years ago
Ruth E. Renkl
You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted. – Ruth E. Renkl
6 years ago
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