Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama is one of the spiritual leaders who teach Tibetan Buddhism. He is also committed to serving humanity according to the tradition of Bodhisattva. In the year 1989, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

He achieved that award by giving non-violent efforts for the purpose of the liberation of Tibet. Besides, he has a lot of concerns when it comes to environmental problems.

He is giving a lot of effort to fight the negative environmental changes that are happening all across the world. Also, he is responsible for writing numerous peaceful quotes that inspire people to walk in the path of peace.

One of the most inspirational Dalai Lama quotes is, “one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” Well, you can see that it is quite a positive quote. It recommends you to stay positive no matter what the situation is.

If you can stay positive, it will be easier for you to live your life in peace. Peace is the most important thing which we must create for. If there is no peace in our lives, it will be hard for us to stay happy. Therefore, start your day with a positive thought and stay positive all the time.

Another quote by the Dalai Lama that you should check is, “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” Well, nothing is better in this world than kindness. It is the best trait that humans have. If you are not kind enough, you will not be considered a complete human.

If you can check the things happening around the world, you will notice that people are harming each other on the basis of religion. So, try to make kindness your religion as it will bring peace to your life.

So, try to live your life according to the teachings of the Dalai Lama. Go through the Dalai Lama quotes and bring some peace to your life.

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