
Do good and good will come to you. – Unknown

No matter even if the whole world turns against you, the one and only thing that will always remain is ‘goodness.’

You might find a lot of people who walk in the wrong path of theft, treachery, and misleading others all the time. However, you should never attend them. Let them do whatever they want.

You should consequently make sure that you are using your brain for everything you do! You have your own brain to differentiate between what’s right and what’s wrong. No matter even if the whole world is following a flock, you should have your own opinion of not going with it.

If everyone does something that’s evil, it never means that you will also have the liberty of doing so! Go for a self-analysis before committing yourself to anything.

When you do good to others, you can expect good things are happening to you as well. No matter even if the world is not acknowledging you for all the good things that you have ever done in your life, there is a God who rewards you some day.

Remember that the Almighty is watching at you, and none of your actions are hidden from him.

Hence, even if the entire world is running against you, all that you should be doing is to follow the path that’s right, even if you are the only one to walk upon it.

When you do good to others, you might not be rewarded for your actions immediately, but you would surely receive it someday. Most importantly, you will be able to feel a different kind of peace in your heart altogether.

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