Do not dilute yourself for any person or any reason. Too often in our lives, we are all set to make compromises and that’s the biggest mistake that we ever do.
It is important to understand that we should never fear situations in our lives. It is good to give someone enough priority but it is also important to understand that you are who you are, and you should never change for anyone else.
You ought to realize that you are enough, isn’t it? You should be unapologetically you. Always hold your uniqueness and that’s extremely essential to make sure that you are able to go a long way!
Know that you are enough, just the way you are! Never land upon making any sort of compromise to make others happy.
It is good to have a good heart and be able to make sacrifices for the sake of others, but at the same time, it is none other than you who is responsible for your own happiness.
Make sure that you are no way allowing any person or any reason to take an undue advantage of you, and thus, snatch away your mental peace and happiness.
Just be the kind of person who you have been all this time, and you shall rock!
If you ever encounter any kind of circumstances that demand you to be someone who you are not, have the guts to walk away instead of ruining yourself over it for just nothing.