Sean Patrick Flanery

Do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you’re not willing to move your feet. – Sean Patrick Flanery

It is you who has the potential to move the mountain if you have the will. But it is you that has to take the first step and proceed towards a goal, a dream, an ambition. Mankind has always blamed the Almighty when things don’t pan out the way they wished it would be.

However, if you think about that isn’t it us who has to make a difference? When we are on our knees, with folded hands desperately wishing that our dreams come true. If you think about it closely, God can only guide you.

Be the voice in your head to choose right over wrong and motivate you to do what you should. But it is you who has to act on it and drag yourself day after day, one failure over another to proceed towards your destination.

Nothing else can and will. It is that simple. You have definitely heard God works in mysterious ways, well he sure does. All you gotta do is get up and keep moving.

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