Russell M. Stendal

God is getting ready to move again and do something special, something new. – Russell M. Stendal

When you feel low and start thinking as if nothing is worth it, that’s when you start believing in god even more.

Know that God is always having great plans for you, and you might not be able to realize it now but things would definitely fall into their places and you will be able to understand his reasons later on with the passage of time.

Know that God is getting ready to move again, and he is going to guide you as your guardian angel.

At times, we start feeling as if we are shattered just because we do not have the privilege to win over the situations. It is quite obvious and is certainly one of the bitter truths of life that everything is not supposed to turn in our favor.

However, that’s when we start having faith in God even more. It is important to understand that God is ready to move again. Nothing in the world happens against God’s will and all we need is to keep our hope up and the rest will happen all by themselves.

When things are not turning out in your favor, start trusting the Almighty and know that he has been planning special for you. He is the one who is going to guide you through all your ups and downs.

At times, you find it a little difficult, but know that God is never going to disappoint you by any chance. He is always going to support and be with you through all your miserable times.

If things didn’t happen according to your wish, it is simply because you had better things awaiting your way. Life is meant to give you good hopes, and all you need is to keep up with the pace and everything else is going to happen accordingly.

Know that probably God is planning for something new, and amidst all the situations, you should not be losing your hope from his ways.

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