Peter F. Drucker

Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision. – Peter F. Drucker

We always tend to appreciate the taste of those sweet fruits, but we never bother to think about the efforts of that farmer who has watered the plant day and night to yield such delicacies. That’s what human nature is all about!

We often talk about the famous personalities and all that they have achieved in their lives, but we do not bother to read through their past lives and the miseries they had gone through before achieving such successes.

It is important to read through the former pages and appreciate a person’s hardship while we appreciate the productivity.

When we see a business going immensely successful, it is equally important to appreciate and think of that courageous decision that the founder has taken years back to ensure that the pillars of the business are standing straight.

It takes such extra efforts to witness the success of a business but at the same time, it is important to understand that the business wouldn’t have stood that huge if the founder hadn’t decided about it.

Just like a building that’s standing erect today counts all those days and months of efforts of the labours and masons; in the same way, when you see a business doing so well, you should consequently think about the decisions that lay hidden behind it.

You never know the amount of sacrifices that remain untold and no one even bothers to talk about them, but those are the sole reasons of today’s success that everyone fails to notice!

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