Og Mandino

Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. – Og Mandino

Each day you are getting in your life has some significance. Every day comes with some opportunities; Every new day gives you the chance to do something. Do something to achieve your dreams. Do something to make your time on earth worth.

If you don’t pursue your dream, you will never ever get a hold of it. And if you want to start pursuing your dreams, then there is no better day than today.

Always remember that time and tide waits for none. So, if you are wasting today by not doing anything at all, you will never have this day back in your life. So do not waste your day. Try to do something at least.

Look, in order to pursue our dreams, we all have to start from somewhere. It is always better to start from today. However, it is also important that you don’t waste your chance with a false start, or worse no start at all.

These are your dreams, and if you are not going to make it happen for yourself, no one else will. Start chasing your dreams today, start with small things, but never waste it with a false start or no starts at all.

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