Joyce Meyer

Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life. – Joyce Meyer

Never expect everything in your life will be perfect. Life can never be perfect. Even in the brightest of days, with the clearest of skies, there will be a small fire igniting beneath the ashes always.

If life were perfect and comfortable, then it would have become boring. People will not enjoy living. Because, when everything goes perfect, there will be nothing to make perfect anymore. You won’t have to make things perfect as everything will fall in places beforehand.

The magic of life is in the journey; the magic of our lives lies in the perfect imperfection of our lives. We all are different from ourselves; we all have different mentalities, grown in a different culture, and want different things. This diversity has made the journey of exploring life interesting.

People who wait for the moment when everything will be perfect in their lives do not understand this magic trick of life. Thus, they miss upon the true essence of life majorly.

They do not understand how to enjoy their lives because while they keep waiting for the perfect day in life when everything falls in places in life, time quietly passes by, and they miss the enjoyment of the fabulous chances life throws at them.

So never wait for the perfect moment in your life to come. Enjoy every single moment of life. Because if you wait to be perfect before you decide to start enjoying, you may never get the chance to enjoy your life.

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