Happiness is one of the best emotions that we all deserve. It is something that we crave for all our lives. However, in this age of the human race, it seems that happiness is the hardest thing to find. People are running after happiness, but it seems they are not getting a hold of it.
People are trying hard to build careers, thinking that will make them happy. But, most people are not happy with what they are doing. People think that money will make them happy. But, the work they are doing for it is not bringing happiness to them. Instead, it is bringing more and more depression to the people in the world.
We think if we work hard now, we will get a better future that will make us happy as well as the people surrounding us. Little did we understand that a happy future is a utopia. So, if you want to be happy, you should do things that make you happy now, in the present.
If you wait for a happy future and waste your time in the search of that happy and picturesque future, chances are it might never come. Chances are you are going to die searching for that happy future. So make your present happy. Do things in the present that will make you happier, do things you love to do because your happiness is completely up to you.