
I may not be the best, but I am trying my best. – Anonymous

I may not be the best, yes that’s true! We are not perfect, and honestly speaking, we can never be “the best.” It would never be possible for any of us to be ‘the best.’

We cannot expect ourselves to be the best, but at least, we should try to give our best at each and everything that we do. Too often, we behave like an escapist and try to refrain ourselves from the hurdles much before we have actually given it a try.

It is important to understand that life does not go smooth, and there will be obstacles along the way. However, we should always focus upon improving ourselves through each and every day.

We should give our best, and go on working until and unless we are actually able to reach up to the destination.

The best thing that we can ever do is to give our best in each and everything that we can possibly do, so that we can rise up to be the best version of our own selves. We must always keep on working hard, so that we can keep growing!

I may not be the best, and that’s obvious. Know that it is not possible for any of us to be “the best” either. Each and every day will come up to us just like a test, and we will have to deal with it by all means.

It is important to make sure that we are able to deal with the things, and even if we fail a thousand times, we should try giving our best shot at each and every time.

We must focus upon giving our best, and only when we go on giving a boost to our own abilities, will we surely be able to improve ourselves with the passage of time.

Too often, we run after being “the best,” while forgetting the fact that we can become the best in our niche only when we are going to give our best.

We must focus upon giving our best, and thus, trying to be better!

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