
Don’t be a slave to your thoughts. Control them. – Anonymous

Do not be a slave to your thoughts. Yes, at times, you may feel broken, sad and depressed. But, do not allow yourself to be a slave to your own thoughts. You should not allow your emotions to suppress you all the time.

I agree, this happens with quite a lot of people including me who tend to have strong emotions, and we start feeling as if our heart has got more control over us than the mind could ever do!

Also, it feels as if the heart starts dominating the brain all of a sudden. This is when we start taking instant decisions even more quickly, such that a lot of them make us regret later on.

Therefore, you should always be able to control your own thoughts and not allow them to control you. It is essential to master your emotions as if you would be the one to decide what’s right and all that is wrong.

Do not allow your thoughts to control you, for they will incline you in taking quick steps. Therefore, you should rather stay calm and composed to decide things in your own way.

You must have the ability to distinguish between the right and the wrong. Control your thoughts and take charge of them. Be the kind of person who knows how to deal with situations, instead of getting carried away by them for just no reason.

Take charge in your own hand, and get inspiration from different sources if needed. You can also meditate as that’s one of the greatest remedies to keep your conscience under your control.

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