Many a times, we tend to think that success is your key to happiness. It is because we think that only when we achieve what we crave for, we can actually become happy. Meanwhile, we forget that the intensity of our happiness is not dependent on the success we achieve. Instead, it is important to understand that happiness is the key to our success.
Just as we become happy, we will automatically learn to pave our way to the path of success. Not all people can understand that success can never be the reason of your happiness. This is because the materialistic pleasures of your life can never define your degree of success.
On the other hand, if you are happy with what you are doing, you will automatically be able to make your way to reach the peak of success. And, the moment you do what you love, you will be able to succeed in life.
This is because only when we follow the passion, we tend to give our best in whatever we do and eventually that is how we walk ahead in the path of success. Success will never find you! It is you who decide how to get there. If you love something, you will automatically be good at it.
As you start following your passion and grow by doing so, you will eventually rise up to meet your success. Hence, instead of running for ways to be successful, try finding ways they can lead you to your passion and you will automatically succeed for the fact it made you happy.
Materials can make you happy temporarily, but they will never be able to become your reasons of happiness for a long term. Your achievements can make you happy but when you follow your heart, you will gradually be able to succeed and that will make you happy.